This post almost didn't make the cut.
Go on! I dare you!
Should I? Shouldn't I? I debated with myself for quite a while before I decided to share this with you. Why did I think so long and hard, you ask? Well, I have a couple of reasons.
One, this recipe is so ridiculously easy that even a child could make it. My four year old actually did most of the work on this one - hence the not-so-perfect shapes. Honest. It is such a simple recipe, I was not sure it even warranted an entire post.
Two, I wasn't sure if I wanted to share. These little nuggets are SO good.
I would say that "Ghee biscuits" are the Indian version of a shortbread. Ghee is nothing but clarified butter. These mildly sweet, just a wee bit salty, totally melting in my mouth biscuits are addictive and it doesn't help that they are so darn easy to make! And I think they make awesome gifts.
I got the ingredient list from a friend, and fiddled around with the proportions and this is now the way I like it!
"Ghee Biscuits"
110g ghee (clarified butter)
60g powdered sugar
1/8-1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
210g all purpose flour
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
210g all purpose flour
1. Melt the ghee in the microwave or in a saucepan until completely liquid. Allow to cool.
2. Stir in the sugar, salt and vanilla extract. Mix well to combine.
3. Stir in the flour and knead into a soft and slightly crumbly dough.
4. Form 1-2 inch balls of dough and place them on a baking sheet.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C/350F for 15-18 minutes or until the bottom of each cookie is golden. Don't over-bake.
6. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the tray. When cool, transfer to an airtight box.
See? I told you they were easy! These cookies are mildly sweet and a little salty as I mentioned earlier. You could adjust these levels slightly till you find the proportions you like. For me, this is just heaven.
Don't make these cookies too often, because they are so addictive and you'll just pack on the pounds. You probably don't have as much self-control as I do! I only ate FOUR within one hour of making these. Sigh.
I had made some food for a friend who was sick and this batch was made for her. Unfortunately, I thought of making the cookies only at the last minute, and the cookies were still in the oven when the rest of food was picked up! I was sad they didn't get to her, and I had to eat a few straight out of the oven just to make myself feel better. ;-)
In my opinion, these cookies are best nibbled on.
Nibble on one and just let it melt on your tongue and just try and resist taking another nibble.